The SML Podcast – Episode 146: Devs IX: Space Narwhal Simulator

Time for another interview as I am joined by Andrew Jobin and Mark Pintar of Breakfall to discuss the Xbox One release of Starwhal!

That’s right, no Pappy or Kris so I go alone this time talking to Andrew and Mark about the origins of Starwhal including asking repeatedly what illicit substances were behind the idea of making a game about murderous space narwhals stabbing each other in the heart. They maintain there were no drugs involved which makes me think they’re just insane. So yeah, they were prefect for SML.

We also discuss the history of the game on Kickstarter, the insanity behind the controls of the game, the crazy 80s style soundtrack, as well as the amazing foods they have in Canada that we can’t get in the US like All Dressed Chips and poutine, which makes me realize I need to find somewhere that sells cheese curds. Also, we talk about traveling back in time to issue a dance battle to Tim Schafer of Double Fine.

The show ends with five of the amazingly 80s Starwhal tracks from composer Mike “Mike O.K.” Keogh!

Mike O.K. – Time to Score (Starwhal)
Mike O.K. – Show Your Backside (Starwhal)
Mike O.K. – Funky Crush (Starwhal)
Mike O.K. – Stay On Top (Starwhal)
Mike O.K. – Paddington (Starwhal)

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