The SML Podcast – Episode 276: Putain Wonder Boy

Cyrille Imbert of DotEmu joins the show today, and picked the show title too!

Before we get to him though, it’s we tackle the news of the week including Xbox Games with Gold and PlayStation Plus lineups for May, Cabela games hitting Xbox Backward Compatibility, the newest Forza Horizon 3 expansion, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite news, and tons more including just finding out about the New Nintendo 2DS XL after our Featured Games!

Bandit Six: Combined Arms from Climax Studios is a two pack of VR shooter defense games in land and in the skies. HeroCade from Lucid Sight Inc is a pack of nine different VR minigames including standout title DreadHalls. Symphony of the Machine is a first person VR puzzle game in a mysterious tower from Stirfire Studios. Plus we get an early sneak peek at Ancient Amuletor, a VR tower defense shooter from TiGames and Time of Virtual Reality.

Cole Martin reviews the twisted survival horror experience Outlast 2 from Red Barrels as well as Episode 4 of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier from Telltale Games. ZHEROS: The Forgotten Land is brand new DLC for ZHEROS with eight new levels and a new character from Rimlight Studios. Save the Ninja Clan from Willz & Sometimes You is a speedrun style action platformer with a cool “glitch” secret system.

After the break I’m joined by Cyrille Imbert to talk all things DotEmu! We cover the gorgeous Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap as well as other titles like Windjammers, Y’s Origin, Titan Quest, Pang Adventures, and tons more. Plus we hear what Cyrille would love to work on in the future, the lack of RPGs on Xbox, Switch plans, Cho Aniki, and cursing in French! Plus we hear how limited that incredible Dragon’s Trap press kit is (spoiler: I’ll never get one). Awesome conversation!

Music this episode is a handful of tracks from Flinthook by composer Patrice Bourgeault!

Patrice Bourgeault – Galaxy’s Greatest Pirate (Intermission)
Patrice Bourgeault – Mining Machine
Patrice Bourgeault – Barbican Battle
Patrice Bourgeault – Rest In Piracy

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