The SML Podcast – Episode 143 – Devs VIII: Little Green Men Are AWESOME Men

Hilarious episode in this developer interview with Mario Mihokovic and Zeno Zokalj, two of the brains behind Little Green Men Games and owners of two names I’d never want to attempt to pronounce myself.

We talk about the Xbox One release of their title Starpoint Gemini 2 as well as what it’s like bringing the game to a console. We talk the early beginnings of the game and it’s prequel and some of the growing pains of having a game go through early access and preview stages where things might not go exactly the way you intend, and now that can lead to you giving away every ship in the game to everbody by accident.

Given it’s SML, there’s plenty of off topic chat as well including plenty of cat talk as Potato once again becomes the star of the show and my official apprentice. Things get crazy, things get stupid, things even get pretty educational towards the end, in the usual profane SML fashion. This is a do not miss Devs episode of SML!

This episode’s featured music follows the space theme by having a handful of tracks from the Bad Dude’s Metroid Arrange Album. Space Hunters meet Space Exploration!

Tim Sheehy – The Theme (Metroid)
Ailsean – Super Funktroid (Super Metroid)
Diggi Dis – Spikes Are Everywhere (Super Metroid)
Mustin – Like a BOSS! (Metroid Medley)
Joshua Morse – In Search of the Last Metroid (Super Metroid)

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