The SML Podcast – Episode 177: Danimal VR

This episode we are joined by the one and only Dan “Danimal Cannon” Behrens, chip metal and guitar legend!

We chat with Danimal about his new album Lunaria, which is his Charizard of albums, and all the new twists and techniques he’s added to his normal chiptune sound including vocals! We also talk about things like the weather, PlayStation VR, emulation, and somehow we actually talk about Bigfoot erotica with somebody other than Mike Mika…

After Dan heads out, we tackle a ton of news including the tinyBuild statics on Punch Club piracy, the closure of Evolution Studios, and plenty of Xbox news including the stellar Games with Gold lineup for April and new additions to the Backward Compatibility lineup! Plus we give away a bunch of games to people who pay attention to us on Twitter and email us!

Featured games! Shadow Complex Remastered from ChAIR Entertainment and Epic Games is a re-release of the still incredible Metroidvania shooter from the time when Nolan North was in every game. Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf Console Edition from Forge Reply and 505 Games takes the classic RPG book series and turns it into a digital novel with plenty of interactivity, battles, choices, and reading! Stranger of Sword City from Experience Inc is a first person dungeon crawler that released on the Xbox One of all consoles and you should support it! Flamebreak from Nimbly Games is a fun MOBA styled single player twin stick action roguelike and holy crap that’s a lot of genres mixed together. Neon Chrome from the always awesome 10tons Ltd. is a top down twin stick shooter with randomized levels and roguelike progression that you should keep an eye on for when it exits beta!

Finally, we end the show with four tracks from Danimal including three from his new album, available now on Bandcamp!

Danimal Cannon – Surveillance
Danimal Cannon – Axis
Danimal Cannon – Lunaria (feat. Emily Yancey)
Danimal Cannon – Rockin’ on Heaven’s Door (Chrono Trigger)

Download the show HERE, stream it below!


Home – ver.Dec 2015

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