It’s a PartyCast with tons to talk about, so let’s get the show going!

The show kicks off with Pernell Vaughan, Chris Taylor, and Brooke Poole on hand to chat about our past weeks. I chat the most because I wanted to share my tales of going to see our friend Ryan Niemiller perform live in Hanover, PA! There’s also a lesson to be learned that if you’re paying money to go see a stand up perform, let them do their damn act and keep your mouth shut. Nobody paid to hear your stupid quips, we paid for Ryan. Stay home next time, you drunk moron. Plus reviews including an email from Andy Sperry!

0:00 – Intro/Chatter
21:10 – Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance – ATLUS, SEGA (Pernell)
43:20 – Shinobi: The Warlord – LGS Productions (Chris)
55:05 – JustAxe – Supergalactic Gamedev, Targem Games (Pernell)
1:03:36 – Draconic Resurgence – Maria, Phoenix Reborn Games (Andy)
1:11:43 – The Ouroboros King – Oriol Cosp Games, Dolores Entertainment (Chris)
1:22:36 – Rider’s Spirits – Shinyuden, Ratalaika Games (Pernell)

The show ends with some Super Mario Kart goodness from The OneUps!

1:33:09 – The OneUps – Donut Plains (Super Mario Kart)