Crazy episode this week as we are joined by two members of Motiga Games, the developers behind the upcoming Xbox One and Windows 10 Action MOBA Gigantic! Continue reading The SML Podcast – Episode 118: A GIGANTIC Episode (I Hate Myself)
Author: Joe Cam
The SML Podcast – Episode 117: Gratuitous Gamescome Gaudiness
Gamescom happened in Germany this week and with it came a press event by Microsoft that made some jaws drop with their videos and demos from Scalebound, Quantum Break, and Crackdown 3, which has officially raised the bar when it comes to in game destructible environments. So yeah, we talk about it. Continue reading The SML Podcast – Episode 117: Gratuitous Gamescome Gaudiness
The SML Podcast – Episode 116: Fraudulent Charges
This week saw both the release of Windows 10 and the happening of Summer Games Done Quick, both of which get plenty of mention on the show this week! Whether we talk about the depressing meltdown of a speedrunner at SGDQ or the depressing monetization of friggin SOLITAIRE, there is plenty of super happy things to talk about! Continue reading The SML Podcast – Episode 116: Fraudulent Charges
The SML Podcast – Episode 115: Papstreet’s Back, Alright!
The SML Podcast – Episode 114: Iwata Shall Be Missed
Two weeks off due to me moving and we return to the sad news that Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has passed away. Continue reading The SML Podcast – Episode 114: Iwata Shall Be Missed
The SML Podcast – Episode 113: Joe is a Filthy Hypocritical Liar
The SML Podcast – Episode 112: E3 Gets Wood
Holy crap we are still doing these? Two weeks in a row?? And go figure, second episode back and we nearly crack the 3 hour mark. Return to form, baby! Obviously it’s because we talk about E3 this week covering the conferences, news, announcements, surprises, and all that jazz.
We are joined by Ryan “Wood” Underwood for the show as we discuss and grade the events! Bethesda, Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, Sony, and Nintendo all get discussed and we give our schoolhouse grades to Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo talking about all the highs and lows, and mediocres, and borings, and the awesomes!
Sticking with the music for now, despite our single email to theSMLpodcast@gmail saying they don’t really listen to it much. Why not, right? Let’s pad this baby out with some music celebrating the Final Fantasy VII Remake reveal as we rock out to some Advent Children music!
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children-Black Water
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children-Tatakau Monotachi
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children-The Highway Chase
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children-JENOVA
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children-One Winged Angel
MP3 download and streaming shits:
YouTube shits:
The SML Podcast – Episode 111: Oh God They’re Back
Have my own site, might as well upload my shit here, right? That’s right, bitches. We are BACK! For now. At least this week and next. We don’t know from there, honestly. Life changes bring us back together for now as a coping kinda deal, but maybe we will stick around for a bit!
Kris and I spend an hour plus talking about the past three months, what we’ve missed, what we’ve played, and how Kris seemingly hit the shit-on-life jackpot in the past few weeks. Of course we have the requisite Diablo talk as well as chatting about Neverwinter, PC gaming, Elder Scrolls Online’s console release, Guitar Hero Live vs. Rock Band 4, and the Microsoft/Oculus partnership!
Not sure if music is going to be a regular thing this go round, so email us at theSMLpodcast at gmail if you want us to keep doing it or if you really don’t care or just email us because we are lonely. Nobody emailed us in three months. Except spammers. But yeah, music is some old school tunes from the Project Majestic Mix tribute to Nobuo Uematsu! Dig it!
Jaxx & Ailsean – Final Fantasy I Main Theme
Jan Van Valburg – Man with the Machine Gun (Final Fantasy VIII)
McVaffe – Sealed Door (Chrono Trigger)
Dale North & Ailsean – You Are Not Alone! (Final Fantasy X)
Mustin – Prelude (Final Fantasy Series)
This is actually going to update soon, I hope. Also, a picture.
Hey, it’s actually Joe Cam here, for like the first time ever.
I seriously plan on updating this page soon. Hoping to start up a podcast once again and use this site as the home for it, as well as random musings of my own. Who knows. I have zero plans for all of this. Well, maybe there’s one thing.
Happened today, so fuck it, I’m gonna brag… That header image? Bought them today. Marth AND Ike. Suck a dick. I am your god.