The SML Podcast – Episode 414: Smashimal Crossing

Lots of news and lots of reviews coming up on this episode of the show!

The show kicks off with the news of the week including the recent Nintendo Direct detailing news on Luigi’s Mansion 3, Nintendo Switch Online, Isabelle in Smash Bros, a new Animal Crossing on the way, lots of RPG discussion, and tons more! Plus Backward Compatibility additions, Ubisoft remasters, and reviews!

NASCAR Heat 3 lets you race more ways than ever before from Monster Games & 704Games. Arcade Islands Volume 1 has you mastering 33 different games from Teyon & Mastiff. DarkMika writes in a review of The Talos Principle a stunning and complex adventure game from Croteam & Devolver Digital. Time Carnage is a frantic wave shooter from Wales Interactive.

Dimension Drive is a vertical shmup with a two battlefield twist from 2Awesome Studio & LBC Games. Neonwall shows that in a world of neon you need balls to survive from Norain Games & JanduSoft. DarkMika covers Lamplight City, a steampunkish detective adventure from Grundislav Games & Application Systems Heidelberg. Finally, step into the shoes of the villain in Nefarious from StarBlade & Digerati!

We end the show with three more tracks from the always fantastic Viking Guitar Live to celebrate their recent MAGLabs performance!

Viking Guitar Live – High Roller (Marble Madness)
Viking Guitar Live – Stainless Steel & Snare (Secret of Mana)
Viking Guitar Live – Time is a Wheel (The 7th Saga)


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