The SML Podcast – Episode 693: Cicada Kranch DX2

I hope you like talk about eating cicadas because Cole brings it up to start and it runs the whole show, so buckle up.

The show kicks off with the PartyCast crew of Cole, Pernell Vaughan, and Chris Taylor all on hand for us to discuss chocolate covered cicadas and cicada flavored mayochup and things are just weird. We also discuss Pernell’s midwest trip, my new headset after my old one died, Chris getting food poisoning, and Halloween discussion in the middle of July because why the hell not, right? Plus a few reviews!

21:50 – Scarlet Nexus – Bandai Namco (Pernell)
31:55 – Foodtruck Arena – CAT-astrophe Games, Gaming Factory, Ultimate Games (Chris)
39:53 – The Procession to Calvary – Joe Richardson, Nephilim Game Studios, Digerati (Cole)
47:36 – Onirike – Devilish Games & BadLand Publishing (Pernell)
59:35 – Super Destronaut DX-2 – Petite Games & Ratalaika Games (Cole & Chris)

The show ends with some awesome EarthBound electronica from the one and only bLiNd!

bLiNd – SnowBound (EarthBound)


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